urgent appeal
Dear freinds and supporter
It is the right time to show your solidarity as you always did . stand strongly against the imposed sanction against Palestinian people . help by distribution of this urgent appeal ,for your neiboughers organisations ,freinds , mps ......... the vulnerable palestinian health services is going down the hill. diferent huminatarian health Ngos warn of what will happen next
yours in solidarity
Mona Elfarra
We, the Palestinian health providers in the non governmental sector express our deep concern and at the rapid deterioration of health conditions, this is an outcome of the imposed political and economical sanctions against the fairly elected Palestinian government many of the international donors decided to stop their financial aid to the PNA.
This coincided with Israeli escalations practiced against Palestinian civilians by the non stop intensive artillery shelling, assassinations, massive detentions and stric closures.
We express our deep worries regarding the continuous separation and restriction of movement, within the Palestinian areas (WB and Gaza).
We firmly warn of the rapidly deteriorating economic situation in Palestine, due to withholding of funds and boycotting of US and EU countries to the Palestinian government and cut off their humanitarian aid.
We consider this behavior as an unjust collective punishment to Palestinian people.
due to their own and democratic choice of their
new government.
the economic, social and health conditions in the OPT aredeteriorating to an unprecedented and alarming levels we warn of a dangerous health and humanitarian catastrophe ,with negative impact upon health services and programmes including; hospital services, vaccination, epidemics control, mental health and nutrition.Cancer patients and patients on renal dialysis units both adults and children , are dreadfully threatened by lack of treatment.
Stopping external aid to the already vulnerable Palestinians leads to deterioration and future collapse of the Palestinian health system.
Sanctions will inevitably increase malnutrition amongst children,> particularly the under fives. Additionally, the current situation> constitute a major cause for deterioration of mental health status in> general and in particular children and women.> > We appeal to the international community to react, urgently and to> take> their full responsibility towards the Palestinian people.> > The current siege, Israeli aggression, and international aid sanctions> that Palestinians are currently encountering are blatant violations of> human rights, particularly the right to health, as set by> international> law.> > We stress on the complementary and cooperative relation between the> governmental and the locall civil society health providers.> and in this regard, the international intentions to support the> non-governmental health sector as a substitute for the governmental> health> system is totally rejected.> > We also emphasize that any attempt to use the Palestinian NGOs as a> tool> to pass external political agendas through foreign funding is strongly> unacceptable. Moreover, all the international and local NGOs or> sectors> are absolutely unable to replace even to minimum the of Palestinian> health requirements even for the shortest period.> > we call upon international community, particularly donor governments> and> NGOs, to immediately resume their funding to the Palestinian Authority> to> help Palestinian people enjoy their basic health and human rights.> > International community and human rights organizations are requested> to> exert pressure on Israel as an occupying state to stop escalating> aggression against Palestinians and to re-open borders allowing free> movement of goods and medication. Israel, as an occupier has the> legal> responsibly for the Palestinian occupied territories. On the other> hand,> international community has the moral and humanitarian responsibly for> the> catastrophic repercussions that will result from imposing sanctions> and> sieges on the Palestinian people.> > > We highly appreciate the role and contributions of friend countries> and> NGOs-in and outside Palestine- for their supportive positions and> stands> against cutting fund and imposing restrictions on the Palestinian> people.> In this regard, we appeal to them to continue their financial and> political support for Palestinians in order to avoid serious> humanitarian> catastrophe.> > > Signatures of organizations
It is the right time to show your solidarity as you always did . stand strongly against the imposed sanction against Palestinian people . help by distribution of this urgent appeal ,for your neiboughers organisations ,freinds , mps ......... the vulnerable palestinian health services is going down the hill. diferent huminatarian health Ngos warn of what will happen next
yours in solidarity
Mona Elfarra
We, the Palestinian health providers in the non governmental sector express our deep concern and at the rapid deterioration of health conditions, this is an outcome of the imposed political and economical sanctions against the fairly elected Palestinian government many of the international donors decided to stop their financial aid to the PNA.
This coincided with Israeli escalations practiced against Palestinian civilians by the non stop intensive artillery shelling, assassinations, massive detentions and stric closures.
We express our deep worries regarding the continuous separation and restriction of movement, within the Palestinian areas (WB and Gaza).
We firmly warn of the rapidly deteriorating economic situation in Palestine, due to withholding of funds and boycotting of US and EU countries to the Palestinian government and cut off their humanitarian aid.
We consider this behavior as an unjust collective punishment to Palestinian people.
due to their own and democratic choice of their
new government.
the economic, social and health conditions in the OPT aredeteriorating to an unprecedented and alarming levels we warn of a dangerous health and humanitarian catastrophe ,with negative impact upon health services and programmes including; hospital services, vaccination, epidemics control, mental health and nutrition.Cancer patients and patients on renal dialysis units both adults and children , are dreadfully threatened by lack of treatment.
Stopping external aid to the already vulnerable Palestinians leads to deterioration and future collapse of the Palestinian health system.
Sanctions will inevitably increase malnutrition amongst children,> particularly the under fives. Additionally, the current situation> constitute a major cause for deterioration of mental health status in> general and in particular children and women.> > We appeal to the international community to react, urgently and to> take> their full responsibility towards the Palestinian people.> > The current siege, Israeli aggression, and international aid sanctions> that Palestinians are currently encountering are blatant violations of> human rights, particularly the right to health, as set by> international> law.> > We stress on the complementary and cooperative relation between the> governmental and the locall civil society health providers.> and in this regard, the international intentions to support the> non-governmental health sector as a substitute for the governmental> health> system is totally rejected.> > We also emphasize that any attempt to use the Palestinian NGOs as a> tool> to pass external political agendas through foreign funding is strongly> unacceptable. Moreover, all the international and local NGOs or> sectors> are absolutely unable to replace even to minimum the of Palestinian> health requirements even for the shortest period.> > we call upon international community, particularly donor governments> and> NGOs, to immediately resume their funding to the Palestinian Authority> to> help Palestinian people enjoy their basic health and human rights.> > International community and human rights organizations are requested> to> exert pressure on Israel as an occupying state to stop escalating> aggression against Palestinians and to re-open borders allowing free> movement of goods and medication. Israel, as an occupier has the> legal> responsibly for the Palestinian occupied territories. On the other> hand,> international community has the moral and humanitarian responsibly for> the> catastrophic repercussions that will result from imposing sanctions> and> sieges on the Palestinian people.> > > We highly appreciate the role and contributions of friend countries> and> NGOs-in and outside Palestine- for their supportive positions and> stands> against cutting fund and imposing restrictions on the Palestinian> people.> In this regard, we appeal to them to continue their financial and> political support for Palestinians in order to avoid serious> humanitarian> catastrophe.> > > Signatures of organizations
Salam Dr. Mona AlFara,
this is the first time i visit your very interesting blog and i really appreciate it ..
i wish you more and more succes with your efforts inshala,,
zakawi, at 6/02/2006 1:06 PM
I truly hope that the reports I've been reading recently, saying that humanitarian assistance will be reinstated by the EU, are correct. Please let us know.
Thank you very much for your informative blog.
--A Concerned US Citizen
Anonymous, at 6/10/2006 8:21 AM
It is a pity
but dissociation with terror would help everybody, Jews and Arabs alike
Anonymous, at 6/29/2006 1:49 PM
Dr. AlFara
Like Zakawi, this is my first time at your blog.
I am also grateful for the time you take to communicate your condition to the rest of the world.
As a mother, and one who reads what you are doing, my heart reaches out.
a concerned Canadian
Anonymous, at 6/30/2006 4:11 AM
Commenting on your post :
this is the humanitarian report issued one month ago by the Humanitarian office in West Bank and Gaza...
goo day,
Osaid Rasheed, at 7/01/2006 4:50 AM
Im really happy with your hard work trying to spread the news of aid and trying to open the blind eyes of the men who do not know what is happening in other parts of the world, pls try not leaving this hard work and i am sure one day all of us will give aid and fight for the palestinian rights. thank you very much.
A Concerned Tanzanian Citizen
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 6:11 PM
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