From Wales, in Solidarity

i forward this photo of cor cochion while collecting for the MECA appeal(MIddle east children allience) cor cochion , are dear freinds and comrades in wales,direct action people , who visited palestine in solidarity several times, they were in real danger while trying to defend palestinian people simple and basic rights ,i was personlay with them , during their visit to Almawasi area , south of gaza , they hardly tried to convince the soldiers to let the people of Almawasi , go through the checkpoint of altofah in Khanyunis , that day no body was allowed to cross the checkpoint, including sick childen , and soldiers fired on top of our heads, but Myela succeeded to to read a letter she wrote to an Israeli soldier , and in tears she left the scene .this was at the night of americs war against Afganistan
through Mecca and others , we managed to distribute 1000 parcels of food to the families in gaza , the parcels included mainly milk and cheese , beside other food staples , to feed children , and to empower women inside the family
,in love and solidarity
Mona Elfarra
Red c Crescent Society for Gaza Strip
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