The Israeli military army rolling into North of Gaza
Dear all
To those who send very long and offensive comments BUT NOT DEMORALISING AT ALL, sorry I don't have the time to read it , so please save your time and energy , I'm very busy with the humanitarian situation here ,trying all the time to offer the most I can for my community and I need to focus ,beside the fact that I need to keep my laptop charged.
it seems that the Israeli military operation escalating,1.30 pm our local time , casualties started to reach the AlAwda hospital(Jabalia refujee camp) ,the hospital medical team received 13 civilians seriously injured and 2 dead militia men
the hospital 3 operating rooms worked with its full capacity , for continuous 5 hours,
I was told by Mr. Abusaada ,one of our ambulance drivers that,they evacuated the injured under heavy fire,Mr. abusaada , told that they were working under fire ,I always think of him and others and how they work under the most difficult cirumstances , the worse ,he faced when he evacuated the Galia family from the beach 3 weeks ago, today he told me , he was not allowed to reach one of the injured , who bled on the ground for at least half an hour (when one mitue can make a difference for bleeding case ) ,before passing away , other hospitals received 15 injured civilians as well , different ages ,no children,were hurt in this incident , I hope I will not give news about dead or injured children,
18 Palestinians were killed today in Gaza strip tens were injured ,mainly in the north of Gaza
My main concern now is to find a way to get medications and medical supplies through the borders ,into Gaza , the hospital medical resources is exhausted, the borders are completely sealed,some very crucial medications are lacking.
,the Rafah borders in the south ,was opened today for 3 hours , there are at least 2000 Palestinians on the Egyptian side ,waiting to enter Gaza , they have been waiting since last Sunday , when the summer rain operation started,internationals were asked to leave Gaza,via Eretz checkpoint , that was opened for 2 hours only(for us here in Gaza this is alarming sign),karni checkpoint (the commercial checkpoint) was opened to let in some stuff for 4 hours,may be to let in more candles , transistors and torches,
it seems that this business is booming in Gaza those days , on my way back from the hospital , I could see people queuing to purchase candles
Mona ElFarra
To those who send very long and offensive comments BUT NOT DEMORALISING AT ALL, sorry I don't have the time to read it , so please save your time and energy , I'm very busy with the humanitarian situation here ,trying all the time to offer the most I can for my community and I need to focus ,beside the fact that I need to keep my laptop charged.
it seems that the Israeli military operation escalating,1.30 pm our local time , casualties started to reach the AlAwda hospital(Jabalia refujee camp) ,the hospital medical team received 13 civilians seriously injured and 2 dead militia men
the hospital 3 operating rooms worked with its full capacity , for continuous 5 hours,
I was told by Mr. Abusaada ,one of our ambulance drivers that,they evacuated the injured under heavy fire,Mr. abusaada , told that they were working under fire ,I always think of him and others and how they work under the most difficult cirumstances , the worse ,he faced when he evacuated the Galia family from the beach 3 weeks ago, today he told me , he was not allowed to reach one of the injured , who bled on the ground for at least half an hour (when one mitue can make a difference for bleeding case ) ,before passing away , other hospitals received 15 injured civilians as well , different ages ,no children,were hurt in this incident , I hope I will not give news about dead or injured children,
18 Palestinians were killed today in Gaza strip tens were injured ,mainly in the north of Gaza
My main concern now is to find a way to get medications and medical supplies through the borders ,into Gaza , the hospital medical resources is exhausted, the borders are completely sealed,some very crucial medications are lacking.
,the Rafah borders in the south ,was opened today for 3 hours , there are at least 2000 Palestinians on the Egyptian side ,waiting to enter Gaza , they have been waiting since last Sunday , when the summer rain operation started,internationals were asked to leave Gaza,via Eretz checkpoint , that was opened for 2 hours only(for us here in Gaza this is alarming sign),karni checkpoint (the commercial checkpoint) was opened to let in some stuff for 4 hours,may be to let in more candles , transistors and torches,
it seems that this business is booming in Gaza those days , on my way back from the hospital , I could see people queuing to purchase candles
Mona ElFarra
Mona, I am very happy these idiotic comments of some individuals do NOT demoralize nor discourage you and you are able to simply shrug them off or not even read them at all!
I am continuously trying to get as many as possible updates with yours being the most actual of course - and certainly the most REALLY competent .. please keep updating us as often as possible!
We are with you in this nightmare and it seems, the UN starts to wake up from their hibernation or paralysis .. depending on how one might see that - and condemming the incursion or the so tastlessly called "summer rain-operation"! May I ask .. what meds are you lacking most?
You're not alone Mona ... hang in there and continue to be strong!! Give Sonsos a BIG hug ... and tell her, there's someone far away who loves her very much!!
If I knew only how to help ..
Karin, at 7/06/2006 10:25 PM
Dear Dr.:
While I sympathize with the difficulties you and your family are facing, you - like nearly every other Palestinian I've ever met - can seem to find no fault of your own for the troubles which you now face.
Your people elected a parliment whose stated goal is the destruction of the State of Israel. After all these years it is shocking that the Palestinian people don't seem to understand that the Jewish state is not going anywhere and as long groups and individual Palestinians murder and kidnap Israeli citizens, life in the territories will not change.
Perhaps you feel it is unjust that the Jews "stole" your land. Welcome to the real world; it is full of injustice and sometimes we must compromise for the sake of our children.
Consider yourself lucky. If I were the Prime Minister of Israel the next time one of your youths blew him or herself up in a marketplace, I would exterminate every last one of you.
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 11:05 PM
I've read about you in a french newspaper. You're not alone. I thnik about you.
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 11:10 PM
Help secure the release of the kidnapped Israeli soldier, stop lobbing rockets into Israel and have your leaders decide to make a real, lasting peace. Israel evacuated the Gaza strip, some Jewish philanthropists even paid for and gave the working greenhouses to you so your people could have productive work. Look at what happened. The greenhouses were looted and destroyed, your terrorists decided to bombard cities deep inside Israel and your government keeps proclaiming its intent to destroy Israel totally. Nothing was stopping the Palestinians from building up the Gaza Strip and making it a wonderfull place for its citizens. Instead, you kidnap, murder and destroy. What a waste !
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 11:28 PM
new UN humans rights council seems to have sided with palistine and refered to israel as "occupied arab tertories" in their first meeting in geneva. their resolution to the "offencive" calls for israel to release prisoners and withdraw.
hopefully they (the UN) will get the medicine that you guys need . so your patients can live to fight another day... right..maybe live to become suside bombers/ martyrs or something.
or maybe instead of trying to fight off israeli tanks ... whoever is holding the israli soldier can release him so the IDF will withdraw and mona doesn't have to worry about rockets in her friends building. -just a thought...
does anyone think that the UN HRC will do anything anyway? or are they all talk?
i seriously hope that they at least bring in medicine.
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 11:35 PM
Once upon a time, a country existed that rocketed its neighbors indiscrimately, kidnapped noncombatants for later execution, and whose population sought to conquer as much territory as possible and reduce the rest of the world to slavery.
That country was Nazi Germany. And when avenging Allied tanks encountered resisting German villages, they reduced the buildings to mere memorials, and the villagers to penury.
No one seems to consider these actions a crime today. What would be wrong if Israel levelled Gaza and drove its inhabitants away tomorrow?
Solomon2, at 7/06/2006 11:41 PM
I would like to add a link on my blog to access your blog. Would that be okay? I have no political aims, I just want people to read your important blog.
My best to you and yours,
Tree, at 7/06/2006 11:47 PM
Just give back the soldier and it will all stop! Stop sending missles into Israel and killing Israelis and it will all stop! Of course, it's terrible and painful for me to read about. Human misery is human misery no matter who is afflicted. I really hope things get better in Gaza. But your leaders have brought this upon yourselves for so many years. Just make peace!
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 12:01 AM
Release the soldier unharmed. Abandon violence and destruction. Cultivate civilized behavior and civilized thinking. Destroy the terrorists among you. Resolve to rebuild your lives. Look critically at yourselves and accept responsibility for your role in the current situation.
Leftists around the world will shill for you for awhile, but that won't last forever, and anyway, they have no power. The best they can do is evidenced in the histrionics of I Love Munich -- "hey Mona, BIG HUG!" Yeah, like that will secure a brighter future for your children. I know these Leftists very well, having lived around them for years in America -- mark my words, Mona, in a short while they will lose interest in you and move on to the next "victim." Such is the nature of these shallow hypocrites. They don't care about you. A few ego-serving "protests" on behalf of Palestinians may warm your cockles, but rest assured that these same people go back to their cushy lives after they toss the "Destroy Israel Now" signs in the garage, and forget all about you.
Change, or your life will get worse yet.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 12:19 AM
Mona, never give up...never stay down...there are people who are, and will continue to focus thoughts for all of you for...strength, courage and will power - mind, body and spirit in this horror story. We do not agree with this collective immoral, amoral punishment that recalls previous horror stories others choose to forget. The silent compliance from major powers that betrayed your people is one of the symptoms of insane political desires. Paul Lazerson, you are hypocritical, hateful to suggest that suicide bombers are worse than nuclear missiles.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 12:25 AM
Paul Lazerson,
Can you count for me what the Palestinians got from the Israeli before Hamas government took over power? What Fateh got from the Israeli, Fateh doesn't call for the destruction of Israel, what they got? nothing! Actually the peace process from 1993-2000 was in favor of the Israeli, while during this time the many Israeli governments that changed, came and left all of them neglected the Israeli-Palestinians accords and tried to evade from them! Fateh was so weak when they dealt with the Israeli in addition to the corruption of some people among them! that was the ONLY thing that helped Hamas to win the elections... Israel is the one who helped Hamas take over the power and won elections with more than 70% of the votes!. The problem of the Israeli lies in their politics lawmakers. Look at how Ameir Perez sent his army to Gaza given them the Carte blanche When he was criticized of lacking the military experience by the real terrorists you had such as Benjamin Netneyaho. Amier Perez, who was a labor rights activits, just joined the Israeli Hall of Terror. Killing more people in Gaza won't make the solider get back! His father today announced that he is in favor of swapping his son by the Palestinian prisoners, the Israeli terrorists who are athrist for Palestinians blood won't favor such fair trade!
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 12:44 AM
sammi i agree with you totally - palestine should go about making peace through politics, not through kidnapping soldiers and firing rockets at civilians.
its good that Ra'am-Ta'al holds 4 seats in the Israeli parliment! i bet if more arabs moved into israel and lived peacefully they could really have a say there! i also think that all the arabs that want to live in palestinian terriroty can have even more control over their government! except for of course when they do nothing for their people but steal from them, incite Fauda since the day they came to power, and have a constitution that literally says nothing about helping its people and only describes how and why they should obliterate Israel.
everyone here who cares about Dr. Mona should make calls to stop Hamas from causing this terrible hardship on the Palestinian people, have the Hamas terrorists return the kidnapped soldier, and try to regain foreign aid and a peaceful government
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 1:09 AM
Yasser Arafat set you, the Palestinians on the road to ruin. The results of his mendacious corruption is now coming to fruit.
You have Gaza to do with as you please, but do not expect the nation that you have committed to eradicate lie down and wait for its demise.
We did that once 60 years ago. I was there,
Never Again!
Tom Fleishman
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 1:40 AM
Did any of you ever think of all the palestinians that israelis take or just shoot on the street?
The worlds against the process israel is using.
Move back, empty the settlements and then there will be peace Just what the UN has been saying for years.
Keep up your Faith Mona the worlds with you and the people of palestine.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 1:59 AM
I'm just joking.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 2:21 AM
mona your lie! you sit all day not go do humanitarian job not help Palestinian people. why you tell lies online the blog. because you vote the HAMAS, now everything horrrible you did this!! give soldier back israel now , inshallah we want peace!!!!
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 2:32 AM
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 2:35 AM
Sweet Dr. Mona
Your blog is making the rounds.
Arab-American organizations featuring your blog on their web pages.
The word is getting out.
I’m so glad you are ignoring the nasty and outrages posts. These people only helping their cause: Anti-Semitism. To bad they don’t realize they are shooting themselves in the foot.
It amazes me to read that there are actually people dense enough to think once that soldier boy is released all will be rosy in Palestine.
Isn’t that pathetic?
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 5:23 AM
Hi there Dr. Mona, thank you for keeping up with the blog, it provides a first-person account for those of us outside the conflict. I am constantly boiling with anger about Israel (or IsraHell, as I've read), and try to channel it in positive action - but what actions can we take when our governments are not listening?? I mostly try to inform people around me, but the disinformation that prevails is just so thick.
Lives today are like currencies, and to the powers that be Palestinian lives are not worth a penny. No one would dare support the South African apartheid today, yet all those people support the Israeli apartheid that is unfolding under their very eyes.
A little bit more shame for Humanity, every time a life is lost, both Palestinian and Israeli. There just happen to be a whole lot more Palestinian lives being lost.
anaïs, at 7/07/2006 7:01 AM
Yes! Something all of you reading this blog can do to help.
The Middle East Children's Alliance is collecting money to send to Dr. Mona. You can donate directly here
Moses, at 7/07/2006 7:10 AM
Anais said
"yet all those people support the Israeli apartheid that is unfolding under their very eyes."
The apartheid states are the Arab states.
Did you know that 20% of the Israeli population is Arab? Israeli Arabs can practice their religion, vote in Israeli elections, own businesses, buy property, attend Universities. Israelis or Jews are not allowed to live in Arab countries, Christians are leaving Arab countires because of harrassment and intimidation. This is where the word apartheid is appropriate.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:37 AM
i would like to thank you for your blog... i've been reading everyday. it does offer a perspective that we can't get unless were able to speak with Palestinians.
a perspective that's constantly blaming israsel for all your peoples problems. really hamas should let the solider go so israel will leave gaza...then stop the rocket attacks and suiside bombs and take the free money yous get and stop buying guns and build up your gaza strip... i mean come on - is living on a coastal strip right on the ocean so bad any way..
do you hate israel because it's there or because their jews? i think it's because their jews.... stop the racism .... and killing of civilians with bombs and rockets.. most of your patients are there in the hospital because they shot guns a the don't write like they were playing in the streets and the evil israelis shot at them for no good reason...
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:40 AM
Stop kidding yourselves Zionists. Gilad Shalit was only a pretext.
Low Flying Angel, at 7/07/2006 7:59 AM
On March 8, 2005, Israeli Government's Sasson Report (after former head of the State Prosecution Criminal Department Talia Sasson) revealed that officials in the ministries of defence and housing, and the settlement division of the World Zionist Organization, spent millions of shekels from state budgets had been secretly diverting millions of shekels to build West Bank settlements and outposts that were illegal under Israeli law.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 9:10 AM
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Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 9:31 AM
NEWS AT 08h26 (AFP souce)
**24 killed as Israel steps up Gaza assault
07/07/2006 08h26
GAZA CITY (AFP) - Twenty-three Palestinians and an Israeli soldier have been killed in the past 24 hours as Israel widened its assault in Gaza, reoccupying land evacuated 10 months ago and carrying out a wave of deadly air raids.
After the bloodiest day since Israel launched its offensive, the UN Security Council debated a draft resolution demanding an immediate withdrawal of its forces from the Gaza Strip and the release of detained Palestinian officials.
But the United States, Israel's closest ally, described it as "unbalanced".
Early Friday, Israeli forces launched a new air raid on the town of Beit Lahiya, the main battleground in northern Gaza, killing an armed Palestinian militant and wounding three others, Palestinian security officials said.
In a major escalation of the conflict on Thursday, Israel sent its troops deep into the northern Gaza Strip, effectively creating a buffer zone in the territory it withdrew from in September last year.
Israel has vowed to use everything in its power to increase the pressure on the embattled Hamas-led government to free a soldier captured by Palestinian militants in an attack 12 days ago and to stop rocket attacks.
Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniya slammed the Gaza assault as "collective punishment" and demanded international intervention to stop Israel's biggest military operation since it pulled out of Gaza.
"It's a crime against humanity," said Haniya, who himself has been directly targeted by the Israeli offensive.
The Hamas government, which is boycotted both financially and politically by Israel and the West, put its security forces on high alert and urged all Palestinians to take up arms against the Israeli military.
One Israeli soldier was shot dead in fighting in Beit Lahiya, a killing claimed by one of the militant groups behind the June 25 abduction of 19-year-old corporal Gilad Shalit.
In the worst single incident, 11 Palestinians were killed, including two fighters loyal to Hamas, in an Israeli bombardment on Beit Lahiya, one of a series of deadly attacks throughout the day, medics said.
In the West Bank, Israeli forces launched an incursion into a refugee camp in the northern city of Jenin, killing a 16-year-old Palestinian and wounding several more people, including militants, medics said.
Experts from the 15-member Security Council met behind closed doors to discuss a draft, presented by Qatar on behalf of the UN's Arab Group, which calls on Israel, as the occupying power, to abide by its obligations under the Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in time of war.
But the text in its present form appeared doomed in view of opposition from the United States, a veto-wielding permanent member, because it does not mention the Palestinian rocket attacks and the capture of the Israeli soldier.
"I expect the United States to use their veto, but I hope this won't be necessary because a lot of countries, particularly the Europeans, have told us that they cannot accept the text of this resolution," Israel's representative to the UN, Dan Gillerman, told public radio.
The massive pre-dawn land and air assault on Gaza Thursday sent terrified residents scurrying from their homes. Women clutching babies and a few belongings scurried away on foot towards a line of waiting taxis amid the boom of gunfire.
Ground forces advanced around five kilometres (three miles) into northern Gaza to expand a unilaterally declared security zone aimed at preventing rocket attacks and troops also moved deeper into the territory in the south.
Troops massed around the northern town of Beit Hanun and moved into two neighbourhoods of Beit Lahiya in the deepest ground operation since Shalit was seized.
sraeli forces took over the remains of the Dugit, Elei Sinai and Nissanit settlements, razed last year as part of Israel's historic pullout from Gaza that was meant to draw the curtain on a 38-year occupation.
An unprecedented Hamas rocket attack Tuesday in the Mediterranean city of Ashkelon saw Israel's security cabinet order the army to step up its assault and section off parts of Gaza.
Israel has bombed the Gaza offices of both the Hamas premier and interior minister, raided multiple militant targets and detained a third of the cabinet, as well as the deputy speaker of parliament.
A poll Friday showed an overwhelming majority of Israelis want Hamas leaders assassinated in order to release the captured soldier and stop rocket attacks.
The survey found that 82 percent of people questioned suggested the military "begin assassinating Hamas leaders" given that the armed wing of the faction has claimed a series of attacks, including one in which the soldier was taken.
Another 52 percent of respondents favoured the bombing of targets in the Gaza Strip, even if this could lead to a loss of civilian lives, while 53 percent thought the military should reoccupy parts of the territory.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on Israelis and Palestinians to exercise restraint while UN chief Kofi Annan, terming the situation "dangerous", also urged both sides "to step back from the brink".
The UN Human Rights Council condemned the Israeli action and said it would despatch a fact-finding mission to the territory.**
Dear Mona,
Keep on and care about childrens
Here is the link to the official AFP in arabic homepage if u want to be inform quickly =
Take care
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 11:51 AM
Dear Mona
Paul Lazerson is a moron. He says he sympathizes with you then says he'd blow you up and every other Palestinian if he were in charge of Israel and a single Palestinian blew himself up. Well the current Regime of Israel has that mentality as they torture 1.3 million Gazans for the act of 2 who captured one Israeli soldier who sat in Israel along with his comrades sending missiles in to Gaza to kill Palestinians. He says Palestinians have picked the wrong leaders because they voted for Hamas? Well what did he think when Israelis voted for the butcher Sharon? Or the heartless Olmert for that matter or the soul less Meir? Sharon was responsible for terrorists acts since he was old enough to hold a gun..he was removed from his job when he helped implement the Sabra and Shatila massacres in the 80's..his crimes make Hamas look like Robin Hoods merry men.And the Israelis who reviled him for Sabra and Shatila then elected him knowing his crimes .
While Hamas may have been created (with the help of Israelis by the way) to oppose and resist the continued stealing of their land and the brutal treatment of their people is Israel who has taken Palestine off the map and since 1947-1948 purged well over a million Palestinians from their lands into refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and well as other places.
Paul should ask Israel to compromise for its children. Making a country that thrives on the oppression and abuse of others is no way to raise children.The brutality that Israeli soldiers learn to exhibit in the West Bank and Gaza doesn't make for loving and generous parents in Israel.Learning to humiliate another people didn't earn Nazis much admiration and acting like them doesn't enhance Israelis face in the world.
Gush Shalom, Women in Black, Bat Shalom, and other Israelis redeem and remind us what a Jewish soul should emanate not people like Lazerson,Sharon and Olmert.Since Feb over 75 Palestinians have been assassinated and many more have been killed and injured "accidently"by Israel.Many children are imprisoned by Israel without trial or even charges. In the morning I am sending $50 to Kinder USA in Texas who is raising funds to send to Gaza. I hope others will join me; every little bit helps when we pool resources.
Peace and Love to all who seek it.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 12:20 PM
does anyone think the UN is going to do anything?
does anyone think the UN is going to do a damn thing?!
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 1:00 PM
Hello Dr. El-Farra. Many in Al-Awda were thrilled to see your blog entries in the Los Angeles Times yesterday and we wrote letters of support thanking the paper for publishing it. Yours is one of the few Palestinian voices in English coming out of Gaza and thank you for your valuable service. Many people in Strasbourg, France demonstrating in front of the European Parliament on Wednesday calling for boycott, implementation of international law, and an end to the destruction of Palestine. People walking by and in cars expressed solidarity. Warmest regards to you and your family.
umkahlil, at 7/07/2006 1:10 PM
That poll mustive been of American Jews, LOL, no one else was involved!
These idiots are to stupid to see the racist comments they make for the world to see.
China is offering support to the Palestinians.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 3:52 PM
How crushed is a persons spirit that a suicide mission is a step up, that suicide is the only measure of control they have over thier own lives?
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 3:59 PM
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Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 4:08 PM
Hang in there Mona Neutralsam is sending observers with candles for you.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 6:32 PM
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Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:00 PM
I think it's time to turn on comment moderation, Doctor!
Moses, at 7/07/2006 7:08 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:18 PM
I discovered this blog thru the CommonDreams site and have read through several post and many comments.
I am an American, neither Jewish nor Muslim, a plain American with a message to the Israeli apologist I have seen commenting on here.
Palestine is right, Israel is wrong.
I invite the Israelis to imagine what would have happened to them if they had chosen some part of the US as their "promised land". If they had moved into some US region in 1948 and done the same things they have done in Palestine.
Let me explain what would have happened. The Israelis and most likely 99% of the Jews would be an extinct race..they would have been wiped out without even an apology by the Americans...they would be nothing but a footnote in history.
When America gets it's free press back, and we will eventually, and the majority of
Americans learn what has gone on in the Isr/Pal conflict and what their money has supported..there will be hell to pay... by the Israelis, by the US politicans who have enabled this.
Americans will relate to this, aside from the human aspects, in the way they most understand....Israelis are squating on someone else's land and killing people in order to steal their land.
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:23 PM
Hey Mikey,
That bright intellect working again? Having trouble spelling "refuse"?
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:28 PM
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Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 7:47 PM
Anais seems to be remarkably ill-informed. 20% of the population of Israel is Arab and they can vote, but their parties have no chance of being in government. They do not have equal rights to own land. They do not get equal justice in the courts or in employment. As the Orr commission documented, they are abused and tortured, even massacred, by the police in circumstances in which Israeli Jews are treated quite differently.
Christians are not being driven out of Arab countries by harrassment, which is a problem in Egypt but not elsewhere that has significant Christian minorities. Christians are being driven out of Palestine and Iraq by Israeli and American policy. As the Crusaders did 900 years ago, the modern American Crusaders are doing to local Christians, not only to Muslims. And no surprise - the crusader spirit is evil, a spirit of antichrist, no matter what its religious patter, so it's no marvel to find that it torments Christian believers and brings shame to the name of Jesus.
Peter Attwood, at 7/09/2006 12:59 AM
Hang in there Mona. Those of us who support universal human rights, not states based on anachronistic notions of "ethnic" exclusivity, comprehend why today Palestine has become a symbol of universal human rights struggles all over the world. Never forget that justice does not come about through the powers that be and their supporters but from those of us who do not have a direct stake in the power asymmetry that is structuring the entire mess. It's sad to see that some people have lost their hearts and therefore cannot really sympathize with what you are going through. That arrogance is truly sad.
freespeechlover, at 7/09/2006 9:50 PM
"On the West Bank and in Gaza — the Occupied Lands — there is no let-up in the killing of Palestinians, mostly young ones, often mere children, by the soldiery of Israel.
But I fear a flagging of American concern. It is hard not to be touched by that fear, for I remember what happened here in our country after Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. The savagery of that rampage — culminating as it did in the pitiless and deadly summer-long bombardment of civilians in West Beirut — dropped all too quickly out of interest.
Many Americans who at the very time of those events were almost as horrified as they should have been, seemed before long to have become a little confused about who had been killing whom to have plastered over the inexcusable with excuses so vaguely conceived and expressed as to be hard to pin down for refutation.
Then they dismissed the whole distressful thing from their minds, while American “aid” to Israel rolled on cluster-bombs, Security Council “vetoes” and all. It would be naive not to be afraid that a like oblivion may come to wash over the present doings of Israel.
Indeed, I suspect the Israelis are counting on it."
The Late Charles L. Black
Rhiannon, at 9/16/2006 8:21 AM
The Israeli Zionist dream for Palestine is coming true. Deprived of food, water electricity, money, medical care, safety, leadership, and official outside help, the Palestinians are turning on each other as they struggle to survive.
But Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has made it clear that this is only the beginning.
“Nobody dies from not having electricity”, Olmert is said to have told his cabinet, and “no one in Gaza should sleep.” Emphasizing that last point, low-flying IDF jets break the sound barrier over Gaza virtually every night.
The Palestinian government disaster was deliberately contrived by:
United States
European Union
United Nations
To add more to the Palestinian misery, the Israel Defense Force is conducting daily raids, bombings, attacks, kidnappings, and interference with human movements.
The goal is to contrive the utter collapse of Palestinian society, while goading as many as possible into leaving, dying, or killing each other.
The Olmert government or its Zionist backers hardly care which.
While the outside world has been more or less fixated on Lebanon, the IDF and the Mossad have been conducting intensive warfare and political harassment in Gaza and the West Bank. This is nothing new.
The Israelis have taken much of the parliament, many cabinet members, and the Deputy Prime Minister hostage; they use the euphemism “arrest” for what they do.
In pure Zionist fashion, they have threatened to assassinate the Prime Minister and have bombed his and other government offices.
Israel has progressively disassembled the democratically elected Palestinian Government by kidnappings, and it is doubtful that without an international outcry that so far h as not been forthcoming, I hardly doubt these prisoners will ever be released.
Instead they may join the ranks of the estimated 10,000 Palestinian hostages the Israelis have held without charge for over 25 years.
Rhiannon, at 9/16/2006 8:22 AM
Neo-Cons MUST Be Exposed
"The Splash art, the political cartoons, and many articles on Jeff’s website target George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld as the villains in the U.S. Government.
Indeed, they are all involved in the Planned Destruction of America. But they are just the puppets out in front.
They have very little real power.
Impeachment of President Bush would accomplish nothing. The Neo-Cons who control him would remain in position and replace Bush with just another puppet. And nothing would change!
These unelected infiltrators would continue to run the government from behind the scenes.
Almost no mention is made of these masterminds of evil behind the scenes (the real Axis of Evil), the puppet Masters who manipulate Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.
These are the Neo-Conservatives, “Neo-Cons” for short, who are ALL Jewish, Zionist, Trotskyite-Communists who now masquerade as “Republicans”.
They include:
William Kristol, (the son of Communist Irving Kristol, author of Memoirs of a Trotskyite), the editor of The Weekly Standard and a frequent political commentator on the totally Zionist Jewish-controlled media,
Paul Wolfowitz, former Under Secretary of Defense (who for years has held the puppet strings of Donald Rumsfeld) and who now is head of the World Bank,
Douglas Feith, underling to Wolfowitz,
Richard Perle, Advisor to the Pentagon,
Natan Sharansky, Ariel Sharon’s Israeli Ambassador to the Jewish Diaspora (Jews around the world) who, according to George W. Bush, wrote, or supplied the ideas for the writing of at least one of George W. Bush’s recent major speeches.
Many of these infiltrators have dual citizenship in the U.S. AND in Israel.
They have taken over our government. And, unfortunately, their actions boldly proclaim that their allegiance is to Israel - and not to America!
These dangerous men, and many others like them, who hold positions of power in our government, are the ones who are the real destroyers of America.
They are the ones who should be exposed!"
Dr. Lorainne Day
Rhiannon, at 9/16/2006 8:23 AM
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