Hoda my friend building is hit again
Gaza 1.45 am 5th of July
Big explosion,very big and so loud, I'm fully awake , so sondos (my daughter) ,we hardly can see any thing it is very dark , the drone hit the ministry of interior building again with 1 missile ,that completely destroyed the building , as I hear the news from the local radio, it is very dark , I contacted Hoda,my friend,she lives next to the building ,to find her hysterically screaming , shouting in pain,trapped under her broken windows, all the windows,of her flat broke ,the fumes fill the place , she is waiting for the emergency team to evacuate her,I can hear the hysterical sounds of her neibours,over the phone ,I feel helpless, don't know what to do,for my friend , I phoned again to offer help , she told me that she is ok , I know she is not , 5 of her neiboughers were injured , some of them the terrified kids I mentioned in one of my previous blogs ,I visited Hoda 4 hours ago , we both were tense , a third friend asked us to talk about anything but not politics ,or what is going on in the Palestinian scene ,we tried to , but couldn't , I left her , walked home , only 5 minute from my place
the aeroplanes sound is high in the sky, can't reach Hoda, because I cannot leave my daughter alone , and I expect more air raids , I'm sure some other friends are with her now , she lives alone .While writing I can hear another explosion , they hit an empty children school in another neibourghood.
I have no analysis may be you try to help me to know , why to hit an empty building twice ,
I can see it as desperate eager to revenge , humiliate and intimidate us ,
They will not succeed.
yours in love and solidarity
Big explosion,very big and so loud, I'm fully awake , so sondos (my daughter) ,we hardly can see any thing it is very dark , the drone hit the ministry of interior building again with 1 missile ,that completely destroyed the building , as I hear the news from the local radio, it is very dark , I contacted Hoda,my friend,she lives next to the building ,to find her hysterically screaming , shouting in pain,trapped under her broken windows, all the windows,of her flat broke ,the fumes fill the place , she is waiting for the emergency team to evacuate her,I can hear the hysterical sounds of her neibours,over the phone ,I feel helpless, don't know what to do,for my friend , I phoned again to offer help , she told me that she is ok , I know she is not , 5 of her neiboughers were injured , some of them the terrified kids I mentioned in one of my previous blogs ,I visited Hoda 4 hours ago , we both were tense , a third friend asked us to talk about anything but not politics ,or what is going on in the Palestinian scene ,we tried to , but couldn't , I left her , walked home , only 5 minute from my place
the aeroplanes sound is high in the sky, can't reach Hoda, because I cannot leave my daughter alone , and I expect more air raids , I'm sure some other friends are with her now , she lives alone .While writing I can hear another explosion , they hit an empty children school in another neibourghood.
I have no analysis may be you try to help me to know , why to hit an empty building twice ,
I can see it as desperate eager to revenge , humiliate and intimidate us ,
They will not succeed.
yours in love and solidarity
What a horror!!! I have no idea what cold be the reason to hit an empty building twice, why to hit a children-school ... why to hit AT ALL!! I think though your anylysis is correct - it is an attempt to humiliate and intimidate you, to horrify you - I know they won't succeed! Please tell your friend Hoda there are people who are supporting you, ALL of you ... tell her she's NOT alone! Give Sondos a BIG hug ... tell her there's someone who loves her a lot! How old is she?
HANG IN THERE MONA ... we're with you!!!
Karin, at 7/05/2006 11:10 AM
Munich, did you take my advice? You need treatment for your histrionic personality disorder.
Anonymous, at 7/05/2006 9:43 PM
I guess you should give back the soldier now, before more buildings go down.
Anonymous, at 7/05/2006 9:44 PM
Munich, are you equally curious as to WHY the Palis would shoot a rocket at a children's school in Ashkelon? Or are you not concerned about Jewish children's lives?
Anonymous, at 7/05/2006 9:46 PM
The school was attacked because it was essentially terrorist training grounds. It was founded by Yassin and was inciting Hate into innocent young minds and hearts.
No one was hurt in the attack.
Anonymous, at 7/05/2006 11:53 PM
I want you to know that I, a Christian American realize how sick and totally deranged the current Israeli policy is.
Anyone who would accuse you of not being concerned with Jewish children display the behavior of a reprehensible sort.
Did all the Nazi's killed in WWII get reincarnated as Israeli officials?
What they are doing to your country clearly is genocidal war-crimes.
They will be called to task for it by our Maker.
Please know that we care very much and also feel powerless to help.
Please remember that you should not hate all Jewish people for this. I know that it is hard for you to understand that. And that the pigs who post hate here are not representative of Jewish kindness.
And all you who post your hate here against these people who are under morter attack: shame. shame.
You should know better. What you wish on them is what you will have for yourself.
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 2:12 AM
hey christian amateur take a read of your own scriptures Matt 25:31-46 (the only place in the new testament that offers the criteria for salvation) and recognize that you're not being a good christian... you're supposed to Love your neighbors but istead you call them pigs. hahaha great job being a loving christian - i think you should try to discern what you Really feel in your heart.
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 7:59 AM
Dear Mona,
I am coming to you from another blog where I got the link. I am an American Catholic who is amicably divorced from a Muslim.
I have no agenda other than to send you my utter support for the work you are doing to save lives. You are a woman of honor and dedication who deserves nothing but our respect. You are living under absolutely horrendous circumstances which no child of God should experience. My thoughts and prayers are with you and with all those who are suffering in Palestine. God bless you Mona and keep you and your loved ones safe. In solidarity.
Anonymous, at 7/06/2006 10:25 AM
i wish hamas would give the soldier back....i would even consider voting for a government that isn't terrorist...
from Dr. Mona, with love and solidarity
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 2:28 AM
How crushed is a persons spirit that a suicide mission is a step up, that suicide is the only measure of control they have over thier own lives?
Anonymous, at 7/07/2006 3:57 PM
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