Gaza Updates
Dear Friends
I have no words
No comments, as you know iam not in Gaz aat the momet , but all what i hear, from friends and relatives are ,Horrible news
here is Sameh habeeb Blogging from Gaza
Day 9 of Israeli War On GazaNews Report Ground Military OperationBy: Sameh A. HabeebBreaking News: Five Palestinians killed in a bombing targeted Mus'abBin Umair mosque northern Gaza Strip.Breaking News: Five Palestinians from one family "Bakr" killed west ofGaza City. The mother was killed along with her 4 children in F16rocket.Breaking News: Around 17 peoples killed in Al atatra family in Baitlahia town north of Gaza. Amongest them several children, twobrothers, 20-year-old and many old men who were all killed by onerocket. Israeli tanks prevents ambulances from reaching wounded peoplein the same place. Among the recognized victims; Osama sliman, MueenAbu aljdya, Ahmed Abu sltan, Hamaoda Abu sultan, Ali Al sous,Muhammad Al atar, Ahmed Tantish and one from Al shalfooh family.Breaking News: Three paramedics and ambulance staff killed by anartillery shell and F16 rocket near Shikh Ejlin area. The paramedicswere in a mission of rescuing a family hit near Al mahrosa hall. Thefamily still bleeding and no news coming up about them till thismoment.Day 9 of Israeli War On GazaNew Israeli weapons are used, death toll up, ground operation to startDear Editors, Journalists and Friends,The ground military operation started 24 hours ago. Below is a newreport for the 9th day of Gaza War and the outcomes of Israeliinvasion. For more reporting, breaking news, interviews and accountsin Gaza, you could reach me on my contact info below. Please try bothnumbers below because there is a big problem in communication resultedin Israeli power cuts.I'm available 24 hours for media coverage in occupied Gaza. You couldreach me any time in my house. welcome to call me on this number in the night:: 0097282802825blogging from Gaza
may be will keep you updated as iam not there at the moment
I have no words
No comments, as you know iam not in Gaz aat the momet , but all what i hear, from friends and relatives are ,Horrible news
here is Sameh habeeb Blogging from Gaza
Day 9 of Israeli War On GazaNews Report Ground Military OperationBy: Sameh A. HabeebBreaking News: Five Palestinians killed in a bombing targeted Mus'abBin Umair mosque northern Gaza Strip.Breaking News: Five Palestinians from one family "Bakr" killed west ofGaza City. The mother was killed along with her 4 children in F16rocket.Breaking News: Around 17 peoples killed in Al atatra family in Baitlahia town north of Gaza. Amongest them several children, twobrothers, 20-year-old and many old men who were all killed by onerocket. Israeli tanks prevents ambulances from reaching wounded peoplein the same place. Among the recognized victims; Osama sliman, MueenAbu aljdya, Ahmed Abu sltan, Hamaoda Abu sultan, Ali Al sous,Muhammad Al atar, Ahmed Tantish and one from Al shalfooh family.Breaking News: Three paramedics and ambulance staff killed by anartillery shell and F16 rocket near Shikh Ejlin area. The paramedicswere in a mission of rescuing a family hit near Al mahrosa hall. Thefamily still bleeding and no news coming up about them till thismoment.Day 9 of Israeli War On GazaNew Israeli weapons are used, death toll up, ground operation to startDear Editors, Journalists and Friends,The ground military operation started 24 hours ago. Below is a newreport for the 9th day of Gaza War and the outcomes of Israeliinvasion. For more reporting, breaking news, interviews and accountsin Gaza, you could reach me on my contact info below. Please try bothnumbers below because there is a big problem in communication resultedin Israeli power cuts.I'm available 24 hours for media coverage in occupied Gaza. You couldreach me any time in my house. welcome to call me on this number in the night:: 0097282802825blogging from Gaza
may be will keep you updated as iam not there at the moment
Hello Mona!
My name is Frida, and I live in Sweden.
I feel desperate about this situation, and I think that we should organize ourselfs and do a massive, global protest against the attacks of Israel. Lets come together and show the people of Gaza and the world that we care, and that this can not go on.
We have the internet that we allready use, to communicate. We have the will to protest against this. All that is missing is organization. And it really is time now, to react and act - together, for the sake of Gaza.
Dont you think?
My blogg is:
Lots of love to you Mona,
// Frida
Sweden / Malmö
Frida, at 1/05/2009 12:18 AM
Mona, I feel for your suffering, but who is really to blame?
Back in 2000, unemployment was low, people had hope, and it was crushed by the intafada.
Your 'leaders' in Hamas are avowed terrorist that continue to shoot rockets into civilian target in Isreal day after day. How are avowed to destroy Isreal and wipe out zionism.
Why not stop shooting rockets into Isreal, why not seek peace instead of destruction?
MY advice, seek asylum in a more peaceful country until the terroist leading your people are put out of power for good.
Rex Zeitgeist, at 1/05/2009 3:42 AM
Dear Mona, Thank you for your posts. The world recoils in horror at the Rape of Gaza. Please know that many of us here in the United States are outraged by what is happening and are determined to hold the Obama Administration accountable for its tacit support of Israeli aggression.
Tingkun55, at 1/05/2009 7:44 AM
Dear Mona,
Congratulations on your blog. Such accounts are really precious.
Actually, I am a journalist for a website edited by the French international TV channel France24 :
We want to write a story about the events in Gaza seen by Palestinian bloggers. Is there a way (email, phone number) I could reach you today or tomorrow ?
Thanks for your help on that.
Lise, at 1/05/2009 11:12 AM
Let me ask some questions that are being ignored. When the cease fire was announced, who made walls around Gaza? Who stopped basic supplies from coming into Gaza? Who stopped the water supply, and who turned off the electricity? Who bombed the tunnel on Nov, 4, the air strikes thereafter? Who denounced a democratically elected group from the first day?…..there was a fake cease fire to begin with. If Israel wants peace why did it do all these things, and why did they not accept the cease fire Hamas offered before this invasion began? I wonder also about the timing of this move which is just before the elections in Israel, and in a time of transition of Presidents here in the US. Since there was no real cease fire on both sides, this seems very calculated. After this invasion is over, and assuming Israel comes out with a clear victory in a few days, what diplomatic solution will they have that they would not have had before this invasion? Then, after all the civilians have died, there was be less anger, less rage? In who's wisdom was it do to this invasion? Also I thought it was in Jewish law "an Eye for an Eye" so why such overwhelming use of force? I think because when a low self esteem is combined with a huge ego, arrogance, and a lot of power, you see nothing but pure raw evil rage and aggression. Lets not forget how much of what is happening is being influenced by "apocalypse" type attitude.
omar baloch
Cheapandunlocked, at 1/05/2009 11:29 AM
Dear Mona
a useful website for your readers, well researched and to the point
Anonymous, at 1/05/2009 5:04 PM
Am speachless when I read this..they are really cruel.
Aina@Azila, at 1/05/2009 7:34 PM
HasbunAllahu wa ne3mal wakeel
Le-Ann Mariamlelue, at 1/05/2009 8:24 PM
it's almost 2 am here in jakarta. i'm watching al jazeera and can't help myself but to cry seeing what happen in gaza tonight.
i don't know what to say.
May Allah keep you save, my brothers and sisters of Gaza.
Keep the faith, Mona.
nina, at 1/05/2009 8:57 PM
Why is this happening? I don't understand how anyone can put this fear in the children.
Kim, at 1/05/2009 11:36 PM
Why is this happening? I don't understand how anyone can put this fear in the children.
Kim, at 1/05/2009 11:36 PM
Why is this happening? I don't understand how anyone can put this fear in the children.
Kim, at 1/05/2009 11:36 PM
Read your email please
Unknown, at 1/06/2009 4:57 AM
Dear Mona: Our unconditional solidarity to Paletine people. We are in Porto Alegre,Brazil.
Our blog - Cloaca News - wait your visit.
Cloaca News, at 1/06/2009 5:01 AM
Dear Mona: Our unconditional solidarity to Paletine people. We are in Porto Alegre,Brazil.
Our blog - Cloaca News - wait your visit.
Cloaca News, at 1/06/2009 5:01 AM
I am a so called Bürger-journalist-writing for
onlinezeitung 24-please send daily reports to my mail-I will translate them for our readers-thank you so much
with love from germany
denise-a. langner-urso
menschenzeitung, at 1/06/2009 5:35 AM
Unknown, at 1/06/2009 5:56 AM
Dear Mona,
I've read your entire blog. Heartbreaking and heartening at the same time.
I know what I'm asking from you is a lot considering we don't even know each other.
I live in Dubai, and like everyone else I am outraged at the violence. But what has prompted me to act over the past 2 weeks is the sheer ignorance of the world when it comes to the children of Gaza. No religion, race or culture makes any difference to them. They don't even know the MEANING of their religion, race etc right now. Why is the world silent?
Could you please post my Facebook Group site Unite for Palestine, which is dedicated to providing a voice for the children of Gaza. Daily at least 20 people are joining.
We are going to take the group public soon through various media, and we need support of vocal personalities like yourself. Please read through the group, and if you feel you can help, please join as well as ask your blog readers to join.
God bless you and your efforts.
Anthony Permal
Dubai, UAE
Anthony Permal, at 1/06/2009 8:03 AM
The Facebook Group is
Anthony Permal, at 1/06/2009 8:04 AM
A doctor from a Gaza hospital:
Rew, at 1/06/2009 3:42 PM
Assalamu Alaikum!
Mashaallah I really like your blog. Inshaallah it will have an effect. Allah yin9or al muslimeen.
Farah, at 1/06/2009 7:12 PM
The people of Gaza are clearly in need of immediate humanitarian aid. Safe havens and shelters are under siege and food, medicine and fuel is running out. Mercy Corps, a non-profit humanitarian aid organization is actively trying to help Gazans affected by the recent violence.
Mercy Corps is calling for immediate humanitarian access to Gaza to deliver food and other essential supplies. You can sign their petition by clicking here. This petition urges the U.S. government to push for aid to be allowed in now.
And, you can help Mercy Corps get the humanitarian items they need once the border is open by donating to Mercy Corps' Gaza Crisis Fund. Mercy Corps has a four-ton shipment of food that's supposed to enter Gaza tomorrow, and they're deploying additional aid workers to Jerusalem and Egypt to prepare to do more.
Chapell Sinclair, at 1/07/2009 12:43 AM
Hi.I am from Argentina, Buenos Aires! I don't know a lot of about this lenguaje but i am interested about war with Gaza, it's horrible! Everyday I see the notice, and it's very ugly! I am very sad when i see the children cry. well, I am not very well with this lenguaje but I want that the people of Gaza know that other people of the world are worried and sad per this war.
I am 14 years old and I am interested!
Maquii fiiorii, at 1/07/2009 2:06 AM
The suffering of the Palestinian people is also the suffering of the world
Israel is the fourth Reich
With love and peace to the Palestinian brothers
Stay with God
Mário Augusto
AR NEWS, at 1/07/2009 2:16 AM
저는 한국-남한-에 있는 시민입니다.
저희 나라에 있는 매체를 통해서는
팔레스타인의 참상을 간접적으로밖에
느끼지 못했습니다. CNN이나 AP-News같은
언론을 통해서 말입니다. 이 블로그에서
읽은 것은 진정한 참상입니다.
많은 민간인들이 이유없이 죽어가고있고,
반인륜적인 이스라엘군의 행동을 이곳을
통해 알게되었습니다.
아실지 모르겠지만 우리나라도 불과 50년전에 전쟁을 겪었습니다. 아버지나 할아버지를 통해서 간접적으로 들었지만, 전쟁의 폐해는 충분히 알고있습니다. 무고한 민간인이 이스라엘의 정치적 논리에 의해, 종교라는 허울로 피해를 입는 이 상황에 도움이 주지 못해 미안할 뿐입니다. 제 친구들에게 이 블로그와 가자지구의 상황에 대해서 알리겠습니다. 힘내세요.
Hellow. I'm Seung-hyun, one of Korean(South). I indirectly watched the horrible news on Gaza because we,as most people do,often hear the news in our country. Futhermore the news in our country is from CNN, AP-News, and so on. However what i read in this blog is uncomfortable reality. Civillians are dying of attacks from israel. What i should noticed is 'the massacre of the innocents.'
Our country experienced the misery of war firsthand as a result of the Korean war. I personally realized the horrors of war secondhand from my grand-father. I don't want to see the Gaza end up as a brutal and bloody war.
I'm sorry not to help innocent civillians in Gaza experiencing the horrible attack from Israel which is continuing the war on Gaza, for their political reasons. I surely tell this blog and 'the breaking news' on Gaza to my friends and netizen.
Mabah alif.
Unknown, at 1/07/2009 3:43 AM
Hello from Kuwait. Our hearts, minds and prayers go to all the Palestinians during this terrible ordeal.
The Aggressor, at 1/07/2009 9:54 AM
salaam, I know it doesn't help telling you this, but our hearts are pained, we feel so helpless. thank you for telling us what's going on in GAZA first hand.
noona, at 1/07/2009 4:39 PM
My name is Mirela. I am journalist reporter of Bahia, Brazil's state, in South America. I shall make a report with the story of young people who live, or are, or were, in the Gaza Strip. I wonder if there are any email or telephone to a participant of the association of you that has less than 25 years old and agree to give an interview about her experience in Gaza.
The answer can be sent to my gmail:
The newspaper in which I work can be found at the website
I count on the collaboration. Thanks and good luck.
Mirela Portugal.
55 71 8769-8942
Mirela Portugal, at 1/07/2009 10:10 PM
Blessed are Gaza children!
Crochet Fun Hub, at 1/07/2009 10:11 PM
israel left gaza and gaza residents vote for the hams.
no, did the hamas treat the gaza for economy? no!
they only care for sending kasam and grad missile to israel citizen !
israel close the barriers onley after the hamas use the open barriers to send
terrorist attack to israel.
the hamas use gaza citizen as a barriers thay steal all the humanitarian supply that
israel alow to send, hamas don't care abot the gaza citizen they attaks Israeli
soldiers from school and citizen concentration.
the hamas murderer fatah people. the hamas don't want peace.
מעיין חודדה, at 1/08/2009 3:41 AM
israel left gaza and gaza residents vote for the hams.
no, did the hamas treat the gaza for economy? no!
they only care for sending kasam and grad missile to israel citizen !
israel close the barriers onley after the hamas use the open barriers to send
terrorist attack to israel.
the hamas use gaza citizen as a barriers thay steal all the humanitarian supply that
israel alow to send, hamas don't care abot the gaza citizen they attaks Israeli
soldiers from school and citizen concentration.
the hamas murderer fatah people. the hamas don't want peace.
מעיין חודדה, at 1/08/2009 4:27 AM
when the rockets stop, so will the violence.
it's terrible, but why don't the people of palestine wage war against hamas when they launch rockets outside of palestinian borders?
palestinians will be able to move forward as a people once they are able to deal with their own militants.
let the true people of palestine crush hamas. if that doesn't happen, then hamas will continue to launch unprovoked attacks and bring pain and suffering upon the innocent.
hamas is the problem, not the solution.
peace and prayers to you and to those suffering.
Brad Ruszala, at 1/08/2009 7:54 AM
I am a Pakistani Muslim woman and believe me, my heart bleeds for the people in Gaza.They are being massacred just because they happen to be Arabs, who are resisting against illegal occupation of their lands. Israel cannot wish the Palestinians away. IT must understand this: Everytime it sees the Palestinians, the uncomfortable reality of illegally occupying Palestinian lands comes back to haunt it.
We, in Pakistan, feel for you, the Gazan people.This happening, especially in Muharram, is another Karbala in the making. THis is a humanitarian cause.No one, Muslims or otherwise, deserves to be killed like this. I hate it when Israelis and the US try to justify these mass murders.
I have written about this Gaza issue on my blog, if anyone cares to visit it.
Faroha Liaqat, at 1/08/2009 11:50 PM
dear Mona the things you wrote on the blog are the things we daily watch with lot of sadness on Al jazeera news. I feel ashamed for what is happening in GAZA not only as muslim but also as a human being.I feel angry and frustrated when I am harmless in front of so much cruelty horror terror arrogance and SILENCE. Maybe all arabs let you down but may god help you to resist to those israeli hangry dogs. I am speechless when mothers dont cry their dead children and when I look to martyrs and I see them sleeping in peace with a beautiful smile on their face saying we are happy we are in heaven.
I feel like nothing in front of so much brave and courage.
And for all the people who still think that (Israel=colonized palestine) is doing this to protect themselves I say you never protect yourselves from almost 300 children "shame on them" and "shame on arab leaders"
and in some points shame on us
I am sorry
fatma, at 1/09/2009 1:16 PM
Hello from Philippines,In the other country around the world are worried about happening in Gaza,many civilians are suffer of this war,many of them are children,but first think the side of Israel,they have also civilians that suffer of rain rockets,8 years of hitting without actions,even though in the philippines are happen a civil war between MILF Muslims And the government,why should happen this?its because of religion and politics,first wrong understanding of religion,and many children train how to handle a rifle gun,also happen in the phil,second politics,to have there own government,why?to build there own forces not a peace and order,right now people of gaza are on terrible situation,its very simple to understand to the people of palestine do not support the HAMAS terror, Blame them what happen in gaza,hmm the problem are supported by palestinean people,imagine 8 YEARS HITTING OF ROCKETS BY HAMAS WITHOUT ACTION OF ISRAEL,SACRIFICING OF CIVILIANS IN ISRAEL,NOW ITS TIME TO FEEL HOW TERRIBLE MAKING OF HAMAS IN THE SIDE OF ISRAEL how we meet the peace and tranquility if Hamas is still there,only palestenean solve that problem about stopping the hamas,Im sad what happen on the children and civilians But please research and think how many people and properties of israel are distroyed,Pleas make a prayer for this situation,
rey, at 1/10/2009 6:08 AM
salam aleykum, very nice blog, thx for writing it
i wanted to foloow ur blog but u didnt have the link to do so, visit my blog too
Peace To All, at 1/11/2009 9:03 AM
What is the problem if Israel giving your children what you want the most - go to heaven.
You teach them that being a shahid is better then everything, thank to Israel for recieving it!
MIchael, at 1/11/2009 10:18 PM
My name is Daan Slingers, a Belgian journalist. I have some questions about your site. I find it very interesting. If you answer them I will make an article of it. Hopefully you would like to help me. You can find the questions below. Please forward your answers to
Thank you
Daan Slingers
Weekly Overview
My questions:
1) Why and when did you have the idea for your blog?
2) Physician by training how do you use that in your blog?
3) Why do you frequently report abouf females and children?
4) How does the war damage people psychologically?
5) Is there psychological help for victims of the war?
6) Can suicide attacks beeing explained psychological?
7) Do you think that on one day their will come an end to the conflict?
Daan Slingers, at 1/12/2009 6:51 PM
I just wish to express deep sympathy for everyone in Gaza, and deep sadness for the Israelis who do n't seem to realise they are passing on the stings for what happened to them in the holocaust. They need to stop and think. The Palestinians did them no harm. The people of Palestine were tolerant and welcoming to both christians and jews before the mid-twentieth century. It is so wrong that they have had to suffer because of what Europeans did to the jews. In the end the only future is for Israel/Palestine to become one country without religious discrimination, in the same way that south africa is having to adapt to life as a non-apartied country. But thanks to what is happening now that 'dream' seems further away than ever.
All I can say is that EVERYONE I know here in Europe considers what is happening in Gaza a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Despite our Governments shameful silence, we DO care.
Unknown, at 1/12/2009 10:30 PM
My take on middle east conflict
Analyst, at 1/17/2009 3:08 AM
Hello, Frida;
I was very moved to see that you are desperate from actions taken some thousands kilometers from your lovely calm home. It is really nice to demonstrate in response and blame Israel for the suffering of the Palestinian Gazans. It is the easiest way to go through. But at the same time it is the certain way to let the Gazans continue to suffer from their own choice with out taking responsibility to their own behave.
Blaming Israel for the bad situation of the Gazans is deliberately ignoring reality and encouraging the Gazan terror groups to continue their fighting against the very existence of Israel on the back of their Gazan people.
Now, if you are coordinated with such aim and wishing the same, it's OK. But supporting the Gazans and their terror efforts and continueing their fight until their aim achieved makes you morally guilt, then you can only cry and blame Israel for the consequences and the results and joining one terror group and to dedicate your self to the Islamic revolution in the Holy Land.
But if you really wish the best for the Gazans you have to stand fierce before them and demand their total efforts to preserve peace and to self criticize their terror actions. One can't dance in both weddings – to wish Israel sit aside and at the same time to attack her with suicide bombers and rockets!
You have to remember that Hamas terrorists deliberately acted from within their civilians against Israeli civilians. While IDF targeted terror sites and staff trying to avoid civilian casualties.
Any Gazan civilian casualties have to be considered as Islamic terror casualty.
Abe Bird, at 1/19/2009 10:35 AM
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