Occupation: the siege and health in Palestine
The Israeli occupation's closure policy began in the early 90s. Thousands of Palestinians were denied work in Israel and much of the Palestinian population of Gaza and the West Bank were denied permits, impeding their ability to move freely between Gaza and the West Bank. The Oslo peace process did nothing to prevent Israel from imposing collective punishment against the whole population of Gaza strip, as long as these measurements serve some "security" need.
The severe and harsh siege against the Gaza Strip started in January 2006. The physical siege was accompanied by a devastating economic embargo which was imposed as a collective punishment against the Palestinian people for their democratic choice. In the January 2006 elections, the Hamas party won the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council in a transparent and democratic election. The West--led by the US--imposed economic and political sanctions against the new Hamas government and 1.5 million people living in the Gaza Strip were put under collective punishment. This external siege was followed by severe Palestinian interclashes between the 2 major parties--Hamas and Fateh. Rhose interclashes were temporarily stopped many times and the political parties attempted to formulate a national unity government and bring about reconciliation between the 2 major parties. But the clear intervention of the US via supporting one party against another , ended with Hamas winning against Fateh and taking over the Gaza Strip in a bloody operation in June 2007. Another chapter of severe siege and closures were imposed against Gaza.
This siege and economic embargo affected the entire population. It affected each and every aspects of our lives. The isolation continues as well as the daily Israeli military operations against the Gaza Strip, which are a desperate attempt by Israel to stop the rockets attacks. But
while trying to stop these rockets attacks, Israel launched disproportional war and used excessive power against Gaza's population. The Israeli military didn't discriminate between civilians and guerrillas.
The power cut off was another type of punishment. The cut off of the fuel supplies, the complete sealing of the borders, and shortages of different commodities have become the norm in Gaza. The poverty of Gaza residents has reached unprecedented levels. 80% are living under the poverty line and they mainly dependent on international aid agencies. 35%of the population are severely impoverished.
I would like to explain for you the effect of the siege on the health of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Electricity shortage and its effect on health
All hospitals and health facilities have no power at least 8 hours per day. Alternative electrical generators are used during these power cuts but this change in power source has caused many serious problems and many high tech, sophisticated equipment has gone out of order because of the unreliable power supply, e.g. CT machines, laboratory equipments and life saving machines etc. The Red Crescent Society's CT is one of many examples of expensive and crucial equipment that has been ruined by the change in current.
The electrical generators are not a substitute for normal power. They need fuel that is not readily available in Gaza. For example, I have 10 liters of fuel for my car that needs to last several weeks and I was able to get these 10 liters with great difficulty, after waiting in line for hours and hours.
The shortage of standard power and the use of electrical generators adds another burden to the health facilities' general expenditures. It also requires that they suspend many surgical operations in order to ensure emergency services like what happened in January 2008.
The shortage of electricity subsequently affects the water pumping systems, especially in high buildings and in the rural areas. During January 2008 half of the Gaza’s population had no access to clean drinking water. The sewage pumping system has also been affected, according to the UNRWA 22% of Gaza households don’t have proper sewage system, and sewage is released untreated into the sea. These combined problems will contribute to increasing health problems related to contaminated water amongst children who make up to 56% of Gaza population.
A limited and decreasing supply of electricity to Gaza strip has made the delivery of even basic services related to health, water and sanitation very difficult. The border restrictions on the supply of fuel and the banning on imports of health spare parts and machinery exacerbates an already overwhelmed health system. It will lead to further decline in the standard of living for the residents--especially health services standards--of the residents of the Gaza Strip.
Man-made poverty and its effects on health
Poverty has a direct impact on nutrition--especially children's nutrition--and that clearly explains clearly the prevalence of anemia amongst Palestinian children under the age of 5 which has reached as high as 63.4% of under 5 children in January 2008, compared to 57.5% in 2007.
The international aid organizations offer food staples but this is not adequate. Children need well balanced diets to grow in a healthy way. Additionally, whenever there is cash to purchase food, food prices are extremely high and some products are in shortage so families still can't get proper food items. Due to the difficulty of importing food into Gaza milk, cooking oil, and many other items are in shortage in the markets.
The psychological effect on the community
The continuous closure, economic siege, power cuts, and the ongoing military operations against Gaza's population are coupled with poverty and a complete lack of sources of entertainment. It is not strange that 64% of Palestinian kids suffer from post traumatic stress disorders. They exhibit signs such as nightmares, phobias, clinging to the mother, inability to focus, bed wetting and irritability.
The Palestinian community as a whole in the Gaza Strip is suffering from different sorts of psychological symptoms. Depression, anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, irritability and aggression amongst the families has increased remarkably.
Restrictions on movement
The population's right to health has been violated by the Israeli occupation. It is very difficult if not impossible for patients to access to medical care outside the Gaza Strip. There are hundreds of patients who need further treatment and referral to hospitals outside Gaza--especially cancer patients, neurosurgical operations, cardiovascular surgeries etc. These patients are routinely denied permits to leave Gaza for their medical emergencies. Many were even issued a referral and then prohibited from crossing the borders. The rate of referral was 67% in 2006 but it decreased to just 25% in 2008.
In some cases children were allowed to travel but the parents were denied permits to accompany their children. Since June 2007, 117 patients have died while waiting to be referred for treatment outside Gaza. Last October, 20 patients died. 5 of them were children.
Border closures are also impacting the quality of health available in Gaza. Our hospitals are lacking many essential medications and supplies such as anesthetics, x-ray films, laboratory kits, chronic diseases medications, spare parts for hospital beds, etc.
Emergency medical teams--while on duty and in uniform--were often prevented from doing their work during the military operations against Gaza Strip. Several human rights organizations, as well as eyewitnesses accounts by different hospitals staff, have documented these violations of the right to health. On many occasions ambulances were directly targeted by the Israeli army while trying to rescue the injured or were not allowed to reach the injured and the medical teams watched the injured bleed to death. There are countless lives that could have been saved. A few minutes or even a few seconds can make a difference for saving the lives of injured people.
The latest example is the Jabalia incursion when the Israeli army did not allow the ambulance to reach one of the injured children. The child, a girl aged 8, was heavily bleeding and when the ambulance was allowed to evacuate the child it was too late. This practice of the Israeli army during its military operations is a frank violation of human rights and of the fourth Geneva Convention regarding the protection of medical teams while on duty in war and peace. Since December 2000, 17 Palestinian health workers have been killed while on duty and 206 injured.
We are facing an impossible challenge. Gaza's health facilities have to cope with these extraordinary emergency needs with limited medical resources while at the same time trying hard to meet the routine health care needs of the population with scarce resources.
The siege of Gaza must end.
Mona El-Farra
Palestinian Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip
Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege
The severe and harsh siege against the Gaza Strip started in January 2006. The physical siege was accompanied by a devastating economic embargo which was imposed as a collective punishment against the Palestinian people for their democratic choice. In the January 2006 elections, the Hamas party won the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council in a transparent and democratic election. The West--led by the US--imposed economic and political sanctions against the new Hamas government and 1.5 million people living in the Gaza Strip were put under collective punishment. This external siege was followed by severe Palestinian interclashes between the 2 major parties--Hamas and Fateh. Rhose interclashes were temporarily stopped many times and the political parties attempted to formulate a national unity government and bring about reconciliation between the 2 major parties. But the clear intervention of the US via supporting one party against another , ended with Hamas winning against Fateh and taking over the Gaza Strip in a bloody operation in June 2007. Another chapter of severe siege and closures were imposed against Gaza.
This siege and economic embargo affected the entire population. It affected each and every aspects of our lives. The isolation continues as well as the daily Israeli military operations against the Gaza Strip, which are a desperate attempt by Israel to stop the rockets attacks. But
while trying to stop these rockets attacks, Israel launched disproportional war and used excessive power against Gaza's population. The Israeli military didn't discriminate between civilians and guerrillas.
The power cut off was another type of punishment. The cut off of the fuel supplies, the complete sealing of the borders, and shortages of different commodities have become the norm in Gaza. The poverty of Gaza residents has reached unprecedented levels. 80% are living under the poverty line and they mainly dependent on international aid agencies. 35%of the population are severely impoverished.
I would like to explain for you the effect of the siege on the health of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Electricity shortage and its effect on health
All hospitals and health facilities have no power at least 8 hours per day. Alternative electrical generators are used during these power cuts but this change in power source has caused many serious problems and many high tech, sophisticated equipment has gone out of order because of the unreliable power supply, e.g. CT machines, laboratory equipments and life saving machines etc. The Red Crescent Society's CT is one of many examples of expensive and crucial equipment that has been ruined by the change in current.
The electrical generators are not a substitute for normal power. They need fuel that is not readily available in Gaza. For example, I have 10 liters of fuel for my car that needs to last several weeks and I was able to get these 10 liters with great difficulty, after waiting in line for hours and hours.
The shortage of standard power and the use of electrical generators adds another burden to the health facilities' general expenditures. It also requires that they suspend many surgical operations in order to ensure emergency services like what happened in January 2008.
The shortage of electricity subsequently affects the water pumping systems, especially in high buildings and in the rural areas. During January 2008 half of the Gaza’s population had no access to clean drinking water. The sewage pumping system has also been affected, according to the UNRWA 22% of Gaza households don’t have proper sewage system, and sewage is released untreated into the sea. These combined problems will contribute to increasing health problems related to contaminated water amongst children who make up to 56% of Gaza population.
A limited and decreasing supply of electricity to Gaza strip has made the delivery of even basic services related to health, water and sanitation very difficult. The border restrictions on the supply of fuel and the banning on imports of health spare parts and machinery exacerbates an already overwhelmed health system. It will lead to further decline in the standard of living for the residents--especially health services standards--of the residents of the Gaza Strip.
Man-made poverty and its effects on health
Poverty has a direct impact on nutrition--especially children's nutrition--and that clearly explains clearly the prevalence of anemia amongst Palestinian children under the age of 5 which has reached as high as 63.4% of under 5 children in January 2008, compared to 57.5% in 2007.
The international aid organizations offer food staples but this is not adequate. Children need well balanced diets to grow in a healthy way. Additionally, whenever there is cash to purchase food, food prices are extremely high and some products are in shortage so families still can't get proper food items. Due to the difficulty of importing food into Gaza milk, cooking oil, and many other items are in shortage in the markets.
The psychological effect on the community
The continuous closure, economic siege, power cuts, and the ongoing military operations against Gaza's population are coupled with poverty and a complete lack of sources of entertainment. It is not strange that 64% of Palestinian kids suffer from post traumatic stress disorders. They exhibit signs such as nightmares, phobias, clinging to the mother, inability to focus, bed wetting and irritability.
The Palestinian community as a whole in the Gaza Strip is suffering from different sorts of psychological symptoms. Depression, anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, irritability and aggression amongst the families has increased remarkably.
Restrictions on movement
The population's right to health has been violated by the Israeli occupation. It is very difficult if not impossible for patients to access to medical care outside the Gaza Strip. There are hundreds of patients who need further treatment and referral to hospitals outside Gaza--especially cancer patients, neurosurgical operations, cardiovascular surgeries etc. These patients are routinely denied permits to leave Gaza for their medical emergencies. Many were even issued a referral and then prohibited from crossing the borders. The rate of referral was 67% in 2006 but it decreased to just 25% in 2008.
In some cases children were allowed to travel but the parents were denied permits to accompany their children. Since June 2007, 117 patients have died while waiting to be referred for treatment outside Gaza. Last October, 20 patients died. 5 of them were children.
Border closures are also impacting the quality of health available in Gaza. Our hospitals are lacking many essential medications and supplies such as anesthetics, x-ray films, laboratory kits, chronic diseases medications, spare parts for hospital beds, etc.
Emergency medical teams--while on duty and in uniform--were often prevented from doing their work during the military operations against Gaza Strip. Several human rights organizations, as well as eyewitnesses accounts by different hospitals staff, have documented these violations of the right to health. On many occasions ambulances were directly targeted by the Israeli army while trying to rescue the injured or were not allowed to reach the injured and the medical teams watched the injured bleed to death. There are countless lives that could have been saved. A few minutes or even a few seconds can make a difference for saving the lives of injured people.
The latest example is the Jabalia incursion when the Israeli army did not allow the ambulance to reach one of the injured children. The child, a girl aged 8, was heavily bleeding and when the ambulance was allowed to evacuate the child it was too late. This practice of the Israeli army during its military operations is a frank violation of human rights and of the fourth Geneva Convention regarding the protection of medical teams while on duty in war and peace. Since December 2000, 17 Palestinian health workers have been killed while on duty and 206 injured.
We are facing an impossible challenge. Gaza's health facilities have to cope with these extraordinary emergency needs with limited medical resources while at the same time trying hard to meet the routine health care needs of the population with scarce resources.
The siege of Gaza must end.
Mona El-Farra
Palestinian Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip
Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege
"it is not strange that 64%of Palestinian kids suffers of post traumatic stress disorders., night mares , phobias , clinging to the mother , inability to focus bed wetting and irritability"
This is completely inexcusable. And everyone wonders why Palestinians are launching rockets at Sderot.
Zingo, at 3/27/2008 5:49 AM
No sane human being could read this and not feel utter despair and anger at the MAN MADE suffering placed upon these people.
Yet I await the STUPID and the WICKED to post their all so predictable comments, robotic style, well used lies that many actually even believe!
The usual "well if they just stopped the rockets.."
If they stopped the rockets, WHAT?
I would love to hear that everything would be just wonderful.
Would the Palestinians be able to live a free life?
Would they be given back the occupied territories?
Would the refugees be allowed back?
Would they have the same rights as Israelis.
Would they not be under the threat of Israeli snipers and shells and airstrikes?
Would Israel go back to the pre-1967 borders?
Oh, I could go on and on.. but I know and I know everyone else knows that the Palestinians would be afforded NOTHING.
There is no dispute, this occupation is illegal under international law.
Under international law, he who is occupied is entitled to use whatever force required against his occupier.
No decent human being would just give up and roll over, the Israelis would not, I would not, I am sure no-one else would and you cannot expect the Palestinians to, after all they were not the people who commited the terrible crimes against the Jews in the Holocaust so why are they the ones to pay the price?
They have been wronged, but the biggest trick in history has been played, in managing to convince the rest of the world that Israel is the victim.
beany, at 3/27/2008 7:26 PM
Yes, the Gaza siege must end, it is sad.
When will your leaders start saying the same thing? When will your leaders say those three words: "we recognize Israel"?
When will you leaders put your health and welfare ahead of their own ideals?
Robby, at 3/30/2008 3:48 AM
Tragic. That is all I can comment on this matter. Utterly upsetting.
LJC, at 4/01/2008 7:39 AM
just wonder what could be done about it and why it is taking so long time...insha Allah soon there will be happy ending for Palestine
regards from Poland
Amina, at 4/02/2008 12:26 PM
The abysmal performance of western TV and radio
interviewers when dealing with issues surrounding
Israel is not only embarrassing but a blot on the
escutcheon of journalism.
Have the nation’s truth-seekers fallen under some
wicked spell? Are their researchers on strike? Did
somebody nobble the programme editors?
While we wait with mounting frustration for our
broadcasters to get their act together, here are 20
simple questions the BBC and others seem anxious not
to ask......
On Rockets and Sieges
(1) The numbers of home-made Qassam rockets launched
at Israel are diligently counted and quoted, but how
many sophisticated munitions have Israel’s F-16s,
helicopter gun-ships, armed drones, tanks, occupation
troops and navy patrol boats fired into the crowded
humanity that packs the Gaza Strip? We are never told.
(2) Why should we believe the claim that the siege of
Gaza is about rockets “raining down” on Sderot?
Palestinians in the West Bank don't fire rockets yet
the Israelis are still in occupation after 40 years,
still stealing their land and water, and now dumping
their toxic waste there.
(3) Israelis say that if the rockets stop, things will
be OK.... Does that mean Gaza will be able to trade
freely with the outside world like any other country,
and people will be able to come and go freely? Will
you and I be able to visit Gaza without Israeli
On the Collective Punishment of Gazans
(4) Why can't Gaza's 3,000 licensed fishermen put to
sea and earn their living without being harassed and
fired on? What is the status of Palestinian
territorial waters under international law? Why are
half the hospitals’ dialysis machines out of action
and the chronically sick dying in agony for want of
proper medication?
(5) Which parts of the Declaration of Human Rights and
Geneva Conventions don't Israelis understand?
On the War on Christianity
(6) Israelis use 'administrative' controls to disrupt
the life and work of the Christian Church in the Holy
Land. No Muslim or Palestinian Christian living
outside Jerusalem is allowed to visit the Holy Places
in the Old City without special permission. Christian
priests, many of whom are Jordanian, cannot go home to
see their families because Israel's new visa policy
would prevent them returning to their parishes. The
Catholic priest in Gaza has been trapped there for 9
years knowing that if he visits his folks the Israelis
won’t allow him back into the Strip. “We seek a
life of freedom—a life different from the life of
dogs we are currently forced to live,” he says. What
should be our response to attempts by Israel to
paralyse the Church?
(7) Is it not shameful that our elected politicians,
who are mostly Christian themselves, show so little
concern? Is it not doubly shameful how the leaders of
western Christendom seem oblivious to the Israeli
government’s war against Christian communities?
Beware those pseudo-Christians in high places, who
talk the talk but won’t walk the walk. How many top
brass have visited Gaza to show solidarity with the
flock? At the present rate there will soon be no
Christians left in the place where Christianity began,
and churchmen will wake up one morning to find the
Holy Land, from which their whole power and purpose
are derived, stolen from under their noses.
On Illegal Settlements
(8) Israel has expropriated agricultural land and key
water resources in the Palestinian West Bank for its
own use. More than 38% of the territory now consists
of Israeli settlements, outposts, military bases and
closed military areas, Israeli-declared nature
reserves or other infrastructure that’s off-limits
to Palestinians. Jews-only highways linking
settlements to Israel, and the 580 checkpoints and
roadblocks, have fragmented Palestinian communities,
blocked access to their lands and severely restricted
movement. How can this be right?
(9) The freezing and dismantling of Israeli
settlements are a cornerstone of major peace
initiatives. The most recent, the Quartet's 2003
‘roadmap’ endorsed by the UN Security Council, is
perfectly clear on the question of illegal
settlements. Israel is under an obligation to....
a) immediately dismantle settlement outposts erected
since March 2001,
b) freeze all settlement activity (including natural
growth of settlements) consistent with the Mitchell
c) take "no actions undermining trust, including
confiscation and/or demolition of Palestinian homes
and property".
Why have none of these obligations been met?
(10) A year ago the General Assembly reaffirmed that
Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory,
including East Jerusalem, "are illegal and an obstacle
to peace" and demanded "the immediate and complete
cessation of all Israeli settlement activities". Why
is Israel still stealing Palestinian land for more
illegal construction? By vowing to press ahead with
settlement building, Israel’s prime minister Olmert
again signals contempt for international law and world
opinion… further proof (if ever it were needed) that
Israel isn’t interested in peace.
On the Evil of the Wall
(11) In 2004 the International Court of Justice,
sitting at the request of the UN General Assembly,
concluded that the route chosen for the Separation
Wall “gives expression in loco to the illegal
measures taken by Israel with regard to Jerusalem and
the settlements". The ICJ ruled the Wall illegal and
declared that it should be dismantled where it
encroaches onto Palestinian land. Why hasn't this been
done? Why is Israel still building it? If Israelis
feel a wall is necessary for security reasons why
don't they build one on their own territory?
On House Demolitions and the Right of Return
(12) In 1948 the newly established state of Israel
began demolishing the homes of Palestinian refugees to
prevent their return. More than 125,000 houses were
systematically destroyed. Since 1967, 18,000 more have
been demolished, making another 100,000 Palestinians
homeless. Demolishing homes is a deliberate Israeli
strategy to inflict collective punishment and break
the Palestinians' will to resist the occupation; to
achieve a silent ethnic transfer; and to ensure that
Israel's control of the Occupied Territories and their
resources becomes permanent. Apart from the fact that
these acts breach every rule in the book, every
convention and every declaration governing civilised
conduct, how would the Israelis like it if they were
the victims?
(13) Why can any Jew from anywhere in the world, who
has never before lived in Israel and whose ancestors
have never lived in Israel, go and live in Israel –
or ‘squat’ in an illegal outpost in Palestine with
Israel’s blessing - while Palestinians who can prove
title to their former houses may not?
On Imprisonment
(14) Nearly 10,000 Palestinians, including women and
children, have been abducted and languish in Israeli
prisons, many without charge or trial. 30+ Palestinian
parliamentarians, democratically elected, are also
imprisoned. What civilised country would do this?
On Ethnic Cleansing
(15) The ethnic cleansing of Palestine, begun in the
months before and after the establishment of the State
of Israel in 1948, is still going on in and around
Jerusalem and in Gaza. Israel's Chief Rabbi Yona
Metzger argues for an ethnic cleansing programme to
transfer Gazans out and dump them in the Sinai desert.
Haaretz reports that he wants Britain, the EU and the
US to assist in the construction of a Palestinian
state in the middle of nowhere. “They will have a
nice country, and we, the Jews, shall have our country
and we shall live in peace.” This leading advocate
of ethnic cleansing says Muslims should recognize that
"our land is the Holy Land and Jerusalem belongs to
us”. Do we in Britain wish to associate with people
who hold such views?
On Terror
(16) Since the land occupied by Israel was taken by
terrorist means, employing gangs such as the one that
blew up the British mandate government in the King
David Hotel in 1946 killing 90, by what moral
yardstick do British and other western leaders 'do
business' with the Israeli Government but not with
Palestine’s democratically elected Hamas leadership?
(17) Remembering that most Israeli prime ministers
have been responsible for authorising war crimes
against the Palestinian people, why are the words
'terrorist', ‘militant’ and ‘extremist’
applied only to Palestinians? They fit successive
Israeli governments like a glove, and given Israel's
lawless and inhuman conduct in Palestine and Lebanon,
which has outraged world opinion, why isn't it branded
a terrorist state?
On Our (Uncritical) Support
(18) For decades Occupied Palestine has received
British and European aid. If Palestinians had been
left in peace, free to trade and develop in the normal
way, there would no need for aid. In effect British
and EU taxpayers are subsidising Israel's illegal
occupation and the economic strangulation it imposes.
Why should we think this acceptable and continue to
pick up the tab?
(19) Why is there such strong support for Israel at
the heart of British government? Why have so many MPs
and MEPs allowed themselves to be drawn into the
‘Friends of Israel’ web? How can supposedly bright
people with information at their fingertips still be
ignorant of Israel's apartheid practices, wholesale
land thefts, careless slaughter of children and other
atrocities? Can we take it that they approve of the
slow genocide inflicted on defenceless civilians, the
middle-of-the-night snatch squads, the house
demolitions, the torture and assassinations, and the
crushing of Christian and Muslim communities? Is it
not foolish and insulting for them to claim we share
Israel’s beliefs and values, and should even share
foreign policy? A well-respected Jewish MP recently
called the Israeli government “a gang of amoral
thugs”. Isn’t that about right?
On the Two-State Solution
(20) Israel and friends are pushing for a two-state
solution… eventually, when it suits them and their
land grab is complete. To warped minds this will give
the racist regime and its supremacist ideals some kind
of seal of approval. By that time the shrunken and
shredded remnants of Palestine will have become a
permanently impoverished and ghettoized mini-state,
trashed and raped of its resources, traumatised,
subservient, easy to control and never capable of
prospering. Israel’s scheming allies, who include
western governments (though not western peoples), go
along with this grubby plan. Can someone please
explain why we, the citizens of a Christian democracy
once mandated with responsibility for Palestine’s
future wellbeing, would wish to soil our hands with
it? The ethical choice, surely, is a single state with
Jews living alongside their Arab neighbours as equal
citizens and sharing the land within a common legal
and democratic framework. That, after all, was the
original intention, and the developments of the last
60 years are a gross perversion and betrayal. Only the
Palestinians themselves have had the courage to resist
When the Day of Reckoning comes to the Middle East -
and engulfs the meddlesome West - much of the blame
will rest squarely on the lack of journalistic rigour
here and in the US, which has allowed a delinquent
political élite to work their evil too long.
-Stuart Littlewood is author of the book Radio Free
Palestine, which tells the plight of the Palestinians
under occupation. He contributed this article to
beany, at 4/02/2008 7:27 PM
Beany, all of your claims are bogus.
Jews had the land way before the "palestinians". This is historically and archeologically proven.
If palestinians could agree on a side by side state, and there would be no more attacks on israel, Israel would allow palenstinians to live there without resrictions.
The bottom line is, the reason the world sides with Israel is because Israel wants peace while the arabs want to wipe Israel off the map.
Unknown, at 5/01/2008 5:08 AM
Hi Mona,
I heard you speak in Cork last year and my thoughts and solidarity are with you and the people of Gaza,on a daily basis.
I am continually inspired by your blog and writing.Keep up the amazing work you are doing and know that we are actively lobbying and campaigning our Irish government and people to put pressure on the EU to stand up and take action against the gross violations of human rights that are the horrendous and deplorable reality faced by Gaza and the OPT's.
With the greatest respect,
(and sending you a hug!)
Keelin Barry, at 5/03/2008 1:47 PM
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